Discover the Stunning Nature Reserves of Terschelling


Terschelling, one of the enchanting Wadden Islands, is known for its breathtaking nature reserves. Whether you're a nature lover, birdwatcher, or just seeking peace and relaxation, Terschelling has something for everyone. Let's take an in-depth look at the most impressive nature reserves this island has to offer.

1. De Boschplaat

A paradise for bird lovers and peace seekers

De Boschplaat is an expansive nature reserve on the eastern side of Terschelling. This unique area stretches over 10 kilometers and boasts rich biodiversity. Here, you can spot rare bird species and enjoy the tranquility.

Starting Point: Oosterend 67, Oosterend

2. De Noordsvaarder

A dynamic dune landscape full of surprises

On the western side of Terschelling, you'll find De Noordsvaarder, an area known for its expansive sand flats and dynamic dunes. This area is perfect for adventurous souls who love unspoiled nature.

Starting Point: West of West-Terschelling


3. Seinpaalduin

Highest dune with panoramic views

Seinpaalduin is the highest dune on Terschelling and offers an impressive view over the entire island and the surrounding seas. This area is a must-visit for anyone who loves spectacular vistas.

Starting Point: Zwarteweg, West-Terschelling

4. Het Groene Strand

A unique nature reserve with surprising contrasts

Het Groene Strand is a unique nature reserve where sea and land meet. It is a dynamic area that constantly changes due to tidal influences.

Starting Point: Groene Strandweg, West-Terschelling


5. Formerumerbos

Ancient forests full of mystery and adventure

Formerumerbos is an ancient and dense forest area, perfect for those who love forest walks. This area offers a cool, shady place during hot summer days and a serene environment for reflection and tranquility.

Starting Point: Duinweg 4, Lies

6. De Grië

An oasis of peace and natural beauty

De Grië is a unique nature reserve near Oosterend. This area combines meadow, dune, and salt marsh, offering an impressive range of natural beauty.

Starting Point: Dwarsdijk, Oosterend

7. Kaapsduin (West-Terschelling)

Historic dune area with rich nature

Kaapsduin in West-Terschelling is a historic dune area combining rich history and beautiful nature. This area is ideal for both history and nature enthusiasts.

Starting Point: Zwarteweg, West-Terschelling

8. Kaapsduin (Oosterend)

Breathtaking views and unique flora

Kaapsduin in Oosterend is a beautiful dune area known for its breathtaking views and unique flora. This area is perfect for nature lovers who want to enjoy both the landscape and biodiversity.

Starting Point: Duinweg, Hoorn

9. Hoornse Bos

A quiet place for relaxation and adventure

Hoornse Bos is a quiet forest area near the village of Hoorn. This area is perfect for both active pursuits and relaxation.

Starting Point: Badweg/Duinweg, Hoorn

10. Landerumerheide

Heather fields full of color and life

Landerumerheide is a beautiful heather area on Terschelling, especially worth a visit in summer and early autumn. The heather is in bloom and colors the landscape beautifully purple.

Starting Point: Heereweg, Midsland

11. De Koegelwieck

A hidden gem of tranquility and nature

De Koegelwieck is a smaller, lesser-known nature reserve on Terschelling, but no less beautiful. This area is ideal for those who want to escape the crowds and enjoy pure nature.

Starting Point: Koegelwieckweg, Hoorn

12. De Kooibosjes

Small, tranquil forests full of secrets

De Kooibosjes is a small but beautiful forest area near Formerum. This area is perfect for short walks and to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Starting Point: Duinweg 0, Hee

Terschelling offers an abundance of nature reserves that will enchant you. Put on your walking shoes, grab your bike, and discover the beautiful nature of this unique Wadden Island! Whether you come for the birds, the dunes, or just the peace, Terschelling has something for everyone.