Current local weather on Terschelling
Light rain
2,9 °C
Min: 4,1°C Max: 6,6°C
Heat Index: -4°C
Cloudiness: 99%
Pressure: 997 hPa
Humidity: 53%
Strong breeze: 6 Bft, 12,9 m/s, 46,3 km/h, West-northwest
2,9 °C
Min: 4,1°C Max: 6,6°C
Heat Index: -4°C
Cloudiness: 99%
Pressure: 997 hPa
Humidity: 53%
Strong breeze: 6 Bft, 12,9 m/s, 46,3 km/h, West-northwest
Today's sunrise and sunset
Nautical dawn: 06:53 hrs
Dawn / Blue hour: 07:36 hrs
Sunrise: 08:16 hrs
Sunrise end: 08:20 hrsGolden hour end: 09:16 hrs
Golden hour: 15:35 hrs
Sunset start: 16:31 hrs
Sunset: 16:35 hrs
End dusk / Blue hour: 17:15 hrsNautical dusk end: 17:58 hrs
Tide today
High tide
00:21 hrs 106 cm;
12:50 hrs 66 cm.
00:21 hrs 106 cm;
12:50 hrs 66 cm.
Low tide
06:44 hrs -84 cm;
18:47 hrs -74 cm.
06:44 hrs -84 cm;
18:47 hrs -74 cm.
Local weather forecast for Terschelling
Moderate rain
Wind Chill: 1,6°C
Sun: 0.3 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 99%
Pressure: 992 hPa
Humidity: 72%
Strong breeze: 6 Bft, 11,1 m/s, 39,9 km/h, Northwest
Wind Chill: 1,6°C
Sun: 0.3 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 99%
Pressure: 992 hPa
Humidity: 72%
Strong breeze: 6 Bft, 11,1 m/s, 39,9 km/h, Northwest
Light rain
Wind Chill: 3,1°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 994 hPa
Humidity: 59%
Strong breeze: 6 Bft, 12,6 m/s, 45,4 km/h, West
Wind Chill: 3,1°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 994 hPa
Humidity: 59%
Strong breeze: 6 Bft, 12,6 m/s, 45,4 km/h, West
Light rain
Wind Chill: 3,4°C
Sun: 0.49 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 50%
Pressure: 1000 hPa
Humidity: 61%
High wind: 7 Bft, 16,7 m/s, 60,3 km/h, North-northwest
Wind Chill: 3,4°C
Sun: 0.49 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 50%
Pressure: 1000 hPa
Humidity: 61%
High wind: 7 Bft, 16,7 m/s, 60,3 km/h, North-northwest
Light rain
Wind Chill: 1,9°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1013 hPa
Humidity: 58%
Moderate breeze: 4 Bft, 7,9 m/s, 28,3 km/h, West
Wind Chill: 1,9°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1013 hPa
Humidity: 58%
Moderate breeze: 4 Bft, 7,9 m/s, 28,3 km/h, West
Light rain
Wind Chill: 3,9°C
Sun: 0.4 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1011 hPa
Humidity: 92%
High wind: 7 Bft, 14,6 m/s, 52,7 km/h, South
Wind Chill: 3,9°C
Sun: 0.4 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1011 hPa
Humidity: 92%
High wind: 7 Bft, 14,6 m/s, 52,7 km/h, South
Moderate rain
Apparent temperature: 0,6°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1002 hPa
Humidity: 84%
High wind: 7 Bft, 16,2 m/s, 58,4 km/h, South-southwest
Apparent temperature: 0,6°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1002 hPa
Humidity: 84%
High wind: 7 Bft, 16,2 m/s, 58,4 km/h, South-southwest
Overcast clouds
Apparent temperature: 2,1°C
Sun: 0.41 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1003 hPa
Humidity: 72%
High wind: 7 Bft, 15,3 m/s, 55,2 km/h, South-southwest
Apparent temperature: 2,1°C
Sun: 0.41 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1003 hPa
Humidity: 72%
High wind: 7 Bft, 15,3 m/s, 55,2 km/h, South-southwest
Light rain
Apparent temperature: -0,7°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1001 hPa
Humidity: 83%
High wind: 7 Bft, 15,8 m/s, 57,0 km/h, South
Apparent temperature: -0,7°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1001 hPa
Humidity: 83%
High wind: 7 Bft, 15,8 m/s, 57,0 km/h, South
Light rain
Apparent temperature: 0,2°C
Sun: 0.15 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 91%
Pressure: 1003 hPa
Humidity: 80%
High wind: 7 Bft, 16,6 m/s, 59,7 km/h, Southwest
Apparent temperature: 0,2°C
Sun: 0.15 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 91%
Pressure: 1003 hPa
Humidity: 80%
High wind: 7 Bft, 16,6 m/s, 59,7 km/h, Southwest
Light rain
Apparent temperature: -2,0°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1008 hPa
Humidity: 78%
Gale: 8 Bft, 17,4 m/s, 62,6 km/h, Southwest
Apparent temperature: -2,0°C
Cloudiness: 100%
Pressure: 1008 hPa
Humidity: 78%
Gale: 8 Bft, 17,4 m/s, 62,6 km/h, Southwest
Light rain
Precipitation: 4 mm
Probability of precipitation: 100%
Apparent temperature: -2,2°C
Sun: 1 UV - Low
Cloudiness: 34%
Pressure: 1012 hPa
Humidity: 81%
Gale: 8 Bft, 18,2 m/s, 65,6 km/h, Southwest